The importance of linking Technical Training with related Industries

Training Institutes prepare a work force that is intended to play part in the operation of industries. It is important that these Institutes should be fully linked with the industries that they prepare the workforce for receiving technological support from the institutes through supply of basic equipment required to prepare trainees for the industry.

Without this link, institutes are left on an island providing training that is not relevant with the industry needs and thus creating a challenge of the trainees failing to catch up with Industry Technology as they leave Training Institutes. Apprenticeship Training Mode where by, trainees attend training institutes while working, has been one of the solutions to this challenge.

Advantages of linking

The linking will also remove the issue of experience requirement in job requirements because most graduates are not competent enough to cope with the technology that they are using. Vocational trainers should also stay connected with the industry to make them aware of where the technology is at the particular time.


How trainees get connected to the industry

To learn from the industry, most trainees depend on Industrial Practical Training sessions so that they can experience the technology that is going on in the industry. Luck plays its part mostly, because not all trainees get companies that fulfill their training needs, and some look for anywhere they can have the opportunity to fulfil the training institute obligations.

Every company has its own policy when it comes to giving the trainees practical training opportunities. Some companies are glad to have additional manpower for the manual work around, while some take the training seriously, setting a good learning environment for the trainees and nurturing them as their future employees.

According to the research we have done, students who did not get the right places for Industrial Practical Training, end up losing interest in their field of learning and have different views of the industry by the moment they graduate. While trainees who had the right Industrial Training, stay interested in the field and mostly likely to create connections.


How we play part in the change

We as GLM TechLink we aim at linking Latest Industry Technology with fresh learners and current industry players. In collaboration with Training Institutes, we are set to be game changers.